Carolina Mobile Music
Phone (843) 813-7569
Professional Disc Jockey Services
Regardless of whether you are looking for someone to assist with the announcement of a corporate expansion or the retirement of the current C.E.O., we will be more than happy to help orchestrate the event for you and can do so with the highest level of professionalism your company deserves. We are quite often called upon to provide entertainment for events such as an annual employee picnic or holiday party. Management will find working with Carolina Mobile Music to be very easy, since we can provide you with proof that we meet your administrative requirements such as a Federal ID Number for your tax records as well as a Certificate of Insurance (We carry a 1 Million Dollar Liability Insurance Policy). We also are involved with local non-profit organizations, where we assist in developing disc jockey entertainment packages that are designed to be used with fund-raising events. Please click on Planner to view or to complete our Event Planner. |
Copyright Registered by Carolina Mobile Music. All rights strictly reserved and enforced. Contact Information
Last modified: 03/03/12 |